Welcome to our blog! We’ve reviewed coffee places since 2015 and have visited more than 400 coffee places since then. We are a mother and a daughter located in Sweden och we have always loved to enjoy a cozy fika with each other. The blog is thus an extension of our interest in fika.
We’re giving a judgment based on different criteria: the taste and the look of the fika, the taste and look of the coffee drinks, the treatment of the service staff and how cozy the environment is.
The blog is non-profit which means we aren’t earning some money writing here.
You can also find us here:
Facebook, we’re updating our Facebook page many times a week about new entries. Sometimes we also have raffles there.
Instagram, we’re updating our Facebook page with real-time pictures from our visits at different fika places.
Fikabloggskartan, a Google Maps-based map where we’re marking the coffee places we’ve been visiting.
Contact us:
We have been nominating the best coffee places each year since we created this blog:
One year we also been nominating ”the bun of the year”: